JFCS, along with its partners Meals on Wheels Long Beach and U.S.VETS–Long Beach, is proud to present three virtual races as the second annual Long Beach Trifecta 5K/10K Series For Good. Runners and walkers who complete all three events will be awarded a commemorative medal to recognize them for their participation and philanthropy to these three worthy organizations. By registering for Race With A View you are automatically eligible and are taking the first step to earning the 2020 medal.
You do not need to register for the Charity Series, nor is there a cost to participate other than the registration fees for the three races.
US Vets will host Virtual “Storm the Beach” 5K/10K Walk, Run, or Roll on Saturday, June 13 while Meals on Wheels of Long Beach will host their Virtual 5K/10K on Saturday, July 11. Register for the Meals on Wheels Long Beach 5K/10K at www.mowlb.org/5k.html and U.S. VETS event at http://bit.ly/StormBeach